Health & Safety

Health & Safety are core values for Leichhardt.

We recognise there are inherent risks in aspects of our activities that could cause harm to our people. However, we believe nothing is so important it cannot be done safely. As a result, we are committed to ensuring we have systems and processes in place that are appropriate to the risks, so everyone can do their work and go home safely at the end of every shift.

Our approach includes:

  • Training our people to recognise risks and implement and ensure the right controls are in place and working at all times.

  • Empowering workers to stop work and positively engage with their leaders on safety issues.

  • Encouraging our leaders to engage with workers positively and actively in the workplace to understand the challenges and solutions that keep everyone safe.

  • Developing our health and safety resources to be coaches and mentors to leaders and workers in the application of simple safety systems.

  • Establishing and maintaining forums and methods for open communication on safety across all levels of our business.

  • Periodically verifying we are doing what we say we will, and our systems remain fit for purpose.

  • Continuously improving our health and safety systems through engagement and applying the outcomes of our governance programmes.

By doing these consistently and with intent, we believe we will achieve and sustain industry leading performance in health and safety that contributes to a collaborative workplace and efficient production.